Financial support for external lecturers.
Program's faculty members are encouraged invite external speakers to lecture seminars in subjects in loose connection with one ore more of the research lines of the program. The invited speaker needs to be endorsed by a member of the Doctorate Program's faculty and the financial support consist in a single payment adjusted to the University rules for "colaboración docente".
Orientative fees:
- 150€/hour for the first two hours
-- 40 €/hour for the next hours.
In attention to our international students it is advised the lectures to be given in english.
1- The endorser (any member of the Program's faculty) must ask for the authorisation of the Accademic Committee using the following form
2- The academic committee will inform the endorser about the outcome authorisation procedure.
3- BEFORE THE SEMINAR: Please send the detailed information for the announcement of the seminar to the Program's coordinator (
4- AFTER THE SEMINAR: Please fill the following information query formulary. Once filled, send the form and a copy of the speakers NIF or passport to the Program's coordinator ( He will review your data and send the application to the Doctorate school.
THE APPLICATION TO THE DOCTORATE SCHOOL MUST BE SENT AT MOST ONE WEEK AFTER THE SEMINAR, so send the formas and documentation to the Program's coordinator ( well before this deadline.
Financial support for students enrolling external formative courses.
Upon completion of the application by the student, a copy of the information will be sent to you by email. Please review it and confirm your approval by email to the Program's coordinator. Until the Academic Committee does not receive the supervisor's approval the student's application will not be considered.
One of the requirements for finishing your phD is to have followed al least a formative course (> 6 hours). This call's object is to facilitate financial support for your enrolment to courses not organised by Universidad de Salamanca. Theses course can be, for example, on-site and on-line courses in computational languages (ie, latex, C, Fortran...), etc.
For assistance to technical schools (ie summer schools) in your subject research, please look to the call Financial support for the attendance to conferences, workshops and schools.
In the general basis, the financial support is limited to quantities below 500€. In case the inscription exceeds this quantity, the students should seek by themselves for additional funds.
It is compulsory that the student will end the course with a certificate stating the nature of the course and the number of hours. This certificate is required in order to get the refund of the inscription costs.
1- The student must ask for the approval of the Academic Commission before the inscription. For this use this link to the application form. Upon completion, an email will sent to your advisor(s) to seek their approval.
2- In a few days, the Academic Commission will inform by email the student about the outcome of their decision (total/partial refund of the inscription expenses, or rejection).
3- The student should inscribe to the course using his/her own private funds.
4- After completion of the course, the student has to contact the Doctoral Program's coordinator and send him by email
a) Certification of successful completion of the course.
b) Invoice of your payment for the inscription to the course.
c) In case you have used a credit card, a copy of the corresponding charge in your bank account.
d) Full name and bank account details (IBAN number and bank's name)
e) Copy of the DNI or firsts pages of the passport.
f) Postal direction for mail notifications.
5- The student must up-load the certificate to RAPI.
Applications will be evaluated in the same order they are received. The call is open until the Academic Committee estimates the funds for this call are exhausted. Unless special circumstances, only one application will be funded for student/year.
Financial support for the attendance to conferences, workshops and schools.
One of the requirements for finishing the phD is to attend conferences, workshops or schools. This training activity is not compulsory, but highly recommended.
Schools have a narrow scope in one or few research lines and have not the general scope of a methodological training. If you are interested in applying for support to general, methodological course, please go to the call Financial support for students enrolling external formative courses.
This call is aimed to facilitate students that lack of other financial sources the possibility to attend conferences, workshops or specialised schools. In a regular basis, conferences, workshops and schools can be financed by the projects held by the research groups. Therefore, this call requires a letter from the supervisor on informing on the impracticability of the expenses being assumed by the research group's own resources.
In principle, financial support will be intended to closely match the requested amount, but ultimately, it will be subject to the constraints of the remaining budget allocated to the program. The support will cover only demonstrable expenses, therefore refund is subjected to the presentations of the certification of attendance to the activity and the receipts, tickets or invoices subject to refund.
1- If the student asks for the approval of the Academic Commission before attending the conference, they must include in the application form an estimation of the amount requested for support, with a justifications of it (copy of the web page of the inscription costs, hard-copy of the travel cost from a travelling agency's web page, etc.) The requested does not have to be the final expense, buut as close as possible to it.
2- If the student asks for the approval of the Academic Commission after attending the conference, they must include in the application form a copy of the invoice, receipt or ticket to be paid and certification of attendance to the conference.
In both cases, the student should use this application form.
3- After completion of the activity, the student has to contact the Doctoral Program's coordinator and send him by email
a) Certification of attendace.
b) Invoices, tickets or receipts.
c) In case you have used a credit card, a copy of the corresponding charge in your bank account.
d) Full name and bank account details (IBAN number and bank's name)
e) Copy of the DNI or first pages of the passport.
f) Postal direction for mail notifications.
5- The student must up-load the certificate of attendance to RAPI.
Applications will be evaluated in the same order they are received. The call is open until the Academic Committee estimates the funds for this call are exhausted. Unless special circumstances, only one application will be funded for student/year.